We have been working on a new reel in the background since 2016. We feel we have got to a stage with this specific reel to share some exciting information with everyone thats interested.
The reel is named ''The Zodiac-500'' and we are already well under way on the final Prototype which is the third prototype of this truly all new kingpin model. The Zodiac has some very unique features, one of the main being the all new & innovative clicker system which evolved from us wanting to make the system as compact as possible
Prototype 1 entered field testing in the UK & North America in 2016. After a gap in development due to other pressing business priorities we finally got round to making (3) Prototype 2's of which one is in the Canada, one is in the US, and the remaining one we have ourselves in the UK. P2 is what you see pixelated out in the attached pictures. Testing P2 on these monsters in Thailand really pushed certain features on this reel (namely the clicker system).
The main reason we have the reel pixelated out in the attached images is that P3 and the final reel available for purchase will look quite a bit different than P1 and P2 as we are giving the back plate some “flair” to compliment the cutting edge spool design. We hope to share some images of P3 in the near future
What we can reveal is this will be our most advanced reel to date as we are pushing what we can achieve. The price point for this reel will be higher than any of our current models.
We are looking at this reel being available for sale in 3 to 6 months at worst (subject to P3 testing results)